The Kerblam.toml file

The kerblam.toml file is the control center of kerblam! All of its configuration is found there. Here is what fields are available, and what they do.


Extra fields not found here are silently ignored. This means that you must be careful of typos!

The fields are annotated where possible with the default value.

[meta] # Metadata regarding kerblam!
version = "0.4.0"
# Kerblam! will check this version and give you a warning
# if you are not running the same executable.
# To save you headaches!

# The [data] section has options regarding... well, data.
input = "./data/in"
output = "./data/out"
intermediate = "./data"

[data.profiles] # Specify profiles here
profile_name = {
    "original_name" = "profile_name",
    "other_name" = "other_profile_name"

# Or, alternatively
"original_name" = "profile_name"
"other_name" = "other_profile_name"
# Any number of profiles can be specified, but stick to just one of these
# two methods of defining them.

[data.remote] # Specify how to fetch remote data
"url_to_fetch" = "file_to_save_to"
# there can be any number of "url" = "file" entries here.
# Files are saved inside `[data.paths.input]`

##### --- #####
[code] # Where to look for containers and pipes
env_dir = "./src/dockerfiles"
pipes_dir = "./src/workflows"

[execution] # How to execute the pipelines
backend = "docker" # or "podman", the backend to use to build and run containers
workdir = "/" # The working directory inside all built containers

Note that this does not want to be a valid TOML, just a reference. Don't expect to copy-paste it and obtain a valid Kerblam! configuration.